Update Active Issues

The Active Issues view enables you to manage the progress of active issues.

You can use either the Swimlanes sub-view or the Columns sub-view to view the active issues. The Swimlanes sub-view displays issues categorized into issue owners (member whom the issue is assigned to). For each issue owner, the issues are categorized into vertical progress (or status) columns. The Columns sub-view displays the issues categorized into vertical progress columns.

By default, each board contains three columns: To Do, In Progress, and Completed. If required, you can add more progress columns to the board from the Configure Board page.

From the Active Issues view, you can update an active issue’s progress state and archive the completed issues.

Update the Progress State for an Active Issue

You can update an active issue’s progress in the Active Issues view by dragging it from one progress column to another.

If you’re unable to drag-and-drop the issue, click the issue ID and update its progress from the Edit Issue page.

  1. Open the board that owns the active issues.
  2. Click Active Issues.
  3. Select the desired issue list view: Swimlanes or Columns.
    If necessary, use the sort list boxes to sort the active issues.
  4. To update an issue’s progress, move it from one column to another.
    For example, when a team member starts work on an issue, move the issue to the In Progress column (if exists).
  5. In the Change Progress wizard, from the To drop-down list, select the new status of the issue. If necessary, enter a comment in the Comment field.
    If you want to update the time spent on the issue, click Next.
  6. Click OK.
An activity is added to the History tab of the issue’s Activity section.

Update Time Spent on an Issue

When you move an issue from one state to another, you can update the time spent on the issue in the Change Progress wizard.

In the Add Time Spent page, in Time Spent, specify the number of days you’ve spent on the issue. In Remaining, use the default Reduce remaining ... days by entered Time Spent option to automatically subtract the value specified in Time Spent from the existing value of Remaining, if Remaining was set previously.

If Remaining was not set, then the value specified in Time Spent is subtracted from Estimate. The option is disabled if the Estimated field isn’t set.

To specify the remaining days manually, select the Set to option and specify the remaining days estimate.

Archive Completed Issues

You can create an archive of all issues listed in the Completed progress state from the Active Issues view of the board. The archived issues are then removed from the Active Issues view.

Before you archive completed issues, make sure that all parent and child issues are moved to the Completed progress state before you create an archive. An error is reported if the Completed progress state contains a completed parent issue with an open child issue, or a completed child issue with an open parent issue.
  1. Open the board.
  2. Click Active Issues.
  3. Verify the issues list in the Completed progress state.
    Note that the list may include some issues that’re filtered out of the display of the current Active Issues view by the board’s query.
  4. Click Archive Completed Issues.
  5. In the Archive Completed Issues dialog box, in Archive Name edit the archive name (by default it is Archive <date-time stamp>) if required, verify the list of issues in the Completed progress state, select the I understand that the archived issues will be removed from the Active Issue view check box, and click Archive Issues.
    If you edited the default archive name, make sure that it’s unique across all Kanban boards and Scrum sprint names. The name must not be longer than 255 characters.
The completed issues are archived in the specified archive name and the Issues Report of the archive opens in the Reports view.