View a Job’s Builds and Reports

From the Builds page, click a job name to open its details page, from which you can view a job’s builds, reports, and build history, or perform actions such as running a build or configuring the job.

View a Build’s Logs and Reports

A build generates various types of reports and logs, such as SCM changes, test results, and action history. You open these reports from the Job Details or Build Details page by clicking the report icon and viewing its details.

Here are the types of reports that are generated by a build:

Log/Report Description

Changes Changes icon

View all files that have changed in the build.

When a build is triggered, the build system checks the job’s Git repositories for any changes to the SCM. If there are any updates, the SCM Change log displays the files that were added, edited or removed.

Artifacts Artifacts

View the latest archived artifacts generated by the build.

Javadoc Javadoc icon

View the build's Javadoc output.

The report is available only if the application’s build generated Javadoc.

Tests Tests icon

View the log of build’s JUnit test results.

To open the Test Suite details page, on the Test Results page, click the All Tests toggle button and click the suite name in the Suite Name column.

To view details of a test, on the Test Results page, click the All Failed Tests toggle button and then click the test name link in the Test Name column. You can also click the All Tests toggle button, open the test suite details page, and then click the test name link in the Test Name column.

Build Log Build Log icon

View the last build’s log. In the log page, review the build log. If the log is displayed partially, click the Full Log link to view the entire log. To download the log as a text file, click the Download Log link.

Git Log Git Log icon

View the Git SCM polling log of the builds that displays the log of builds triggered by SCM polling. The log includes scheduled builds and builds triggered by SCM updates.

In the Job Details page of a job, click Latest SCM Poll Log Latest SCM Poll Log to view the Git SCM polling log of the last build.

Audit Audit icon

View the Audit log of user actions.

You can use the Audit log to track the user actions on a build. Use the log to see who performed particular actions on the job. For example, you can see who canceled a build of the job, or who disabled the job and when was it disabled.

SonarQube SonarQube icon

View the SonarQube analysis report for the job.

VulnerabilitiesVulnerabilities icon

View the Security Vulnerabilities report that identifies direct and transitive dependencies in the job's Maven, Node.js, Javascript, and/or Gradle projects.

Examine Large Log Files

Large log files can be quite cumbersome to work with. Often, log files are too big to display in browser, so you need to download them and open them in an editor. You may find that the key parts of the log are in the beginning of the file or at the end. Instead of endlessly scrolling to get to the bottom of the file, or back to the top of it again, VB Studio provides a few features that make this task much easier.

The most interesting information about a build is found in the beginning and end of the log. If, after you went to the bottom of the file, you scrolled up to see more information about the phase that failed, and the information you're looking for isn't in those lines, you'll need to download the log and open it in an editor.

  1. From the job’s details page, click Build Log Build Log iconto open the build log.
    The log file opens and displays the lines (up to 100,000) as it lazy loads.

    Description of log-beginning.png follows
    Description of the illustration log-beginning.png

  2. Scroll down to examine the log or use the floating menu at the top.

    The floating menu provides these options:
    • The Download Log link is always available, so you can download the log locally and open it in your text editor. This is useful if you want to search for information.
    • Click the Go To Top Go To Top icon button to go to the beginning of the log.
    • Click the Go To Bottom Go To Bottom icon button to go to the end of the log.
  3. Click the Go To Bottom Go To Bottom icon button and check the status of the build.
  4. If your log file exceeds 100,000 lines, scroll up from the end of the log and you'll see a message indicating how many lines were skipped.
  5. Click the Download Log link and download the log file to your computer where you can open it in your text editor and scroll through the lines that were skipped in the log.
  6. Click the Go To Top Go To Top icon button to return to the beginning of the log and examine the settings and parameters that were used in the build.

The log lazy loads as you scroll. You can see as much as you want to and can scroll down to about 100,000 lines. If you scroll that far, you'll see the skipped lines notice plus the last 100 lines. If you click the Go To Bottom Go To Bottom icon button, all those lines will be loaded, the skipped lines notice will be displayed, and then the last 100 lines will be shown.

Clicking the Go To Top Go To Top icon button at that point will not change what is loaded. You'll still see the first 100,000 lines plus the last 100.

View a Project’s Build History

The Recent Build History page displays builds of all the project's jobs.

To see the build history, click the View Recent Build History link in the Build Queue panel on the Builds page. The history page displays the last 50 builds of the project. Click any job name to open its details page or click any build number to open its details page. Click Console to open the build’s console and view the console log output.


To sort the table data by a column, right-click inside the build history table column and select the sort order from the Sort context menu.

View a Job’s Build History

A job’s build history can be viewed in the Build history section of the Job Details page. It displays the status of running builds, and completed job builds in descending order (most recent first) along with their build numbers, date and time, and a link to the build's console output.

The build history shows how the build was triggered as well as its status, build number, and date-time stamp. In this view, you can click the Actions Actions menu and choose Build Log to view the build log or Delete to delete the build.

When you review the build history, take note of these things:

  • In the By column, the icons indicate the following:

    This icon ... Indicates:
    User User The build was initiated by a user.
    SCM Change SCM Change The build was triggered by an SCM change.
    Pipeline Pipeline The build was initiated by a pipeline. Click to open the build’s pipeline instance.
    Periodic Build Trigger Periodic Build Trigger The build was triggered by a periodic build trigger.
    Build System Build System The build was started or rescheduled by the build system.
  • In the Build column, an * in the build number indicates the build is annotated with a description. Mouse over the build number to see the description.

  • The list doesn’t show discarded and deleted jobs.

  • If a running build remains stuck in the queued state for a long time, you can mouse over the Queued status to display a message about the problem.

    If the build uses a VM build executor, you can contact the organization administrator to check its status.

  • To sort the table data in ascending or descending order, click the header column name and then click the Previous or Next icon in the column header.

    As an alternative, you can right-click inside the table column and select the sort order from the Sort context menu.

  • Only project members can delete builds. Non-members cannot.

View a Job’s User Action History

You can use the Audit log to track a job’s user actions. For example, you can see who canceled a build of the job, or who disabled the job and when it was disabled.

To open the Audit log, from the job’s details page, click Audit Audit icon.

The log displays information about these user actions:

  • Who created the job

  • Who started a build or how a it was triggered (followed by the build number), when the build succeeded or failed, and the duration of the build

    A build can also be triggered by a timer, a commit to a Git repository, or an upstream job.

  • Who aborted a build

  • Who changed the configuration of the job

  • Who disabled the job

  • Who enabled the job

View a Build’s Details

A build’s details page shows its status, links to open build reports, download artifacts, and logs. To open a build’s details page, click the build number in the Build History.

You can perform these common actions from a build’s details page:

Action How To

Keep a build forever

A build that’s marked "forever" isn’t removed if a job is configured to discard old builds automatically. You can’t delete it either.

To keep a build forever, click Configure, select the Keep Build Forever check box, and click Save.

Add a name and description to a build

Adding a description and a name is especially helpful if you mark a particular build to keep it forever and not get discarded automatically. When you add a description to a build, an * is added to the build number in the Build History table.

To keep a build forever, click Configure. In Name and Description, enter the details, and click Save.

Open a build’s log

Click Build Log.

Delete a build

Click Delete.

Download Build Artifacts

Build artifacts are displayed in a directory tree structure. Click the link to download parts of the tree, including individual files, directories, and subdirectories.

If the job is configured to archive artifacts, you can download them to your computer and then deploy the artifact(s) to your web server:

  1. Open the job’s details page.

  2. Click Artifacts Artifacts icon.

    To download a particular build's artifacts, in the Build History, click the build number, and then click Artifacts Artifacts icon.

  3. Expand the directory structure and click the artifact link (file or directory) to download it.

    To download a zip file of all artifacts, click (All files in zip) All files in zip.

  4. Save the file to your computer.