About the Migration Scope

You can migrate the sources and data of your visual application either as an archive that you export from Oracle Visual Builder or by cloning the existing repository where your visual application sources and data are stored.

If you export an archive, the archive file contains the design-time metadata for the applications in your visual application, plus a variety of other files that your visual application needs once it is imported in the new instance. The following directory structure for a visual application that contains a web and mobile app, plus a business object provides an illustrative example of the type of metadata that an archive file contains.

|   \---Department
|   \---hrmobileapp
|       +---flows
|       |   \---main
|       |       \---pages
|       +---pages
|       |   \---resources
|       |       \---strings
|       |           \---app
|       |               \---nls
|       |                   \---root
|       ...
|       \---settings
|           \---mobile-build-templates
|   \---pcs
        |   \---main
        |       \---pages
        |   \---resources
        |   +---css
        |   \---strings
        |       \---app
        |           \---nls
        |               \---root

When you export the visual application you can choose if you want the archive to include the development data contained in the application’s custom business objects. Some information, such as the user credentials to access external REST endpoints and artifacts that are part of the mobile configuration (such as keystore, iOS provisioning profiles, and passwords) are not included when you export a visual application, so you will need to re-enter these after you import the application.

Apart from the design-time metadata for each visual application, you also need to export the application data for live applications. Before you migrate this data, you need to lock the live application which prevents end users from accessing the application.