Default Values

Variables (but not types) may have default values. 

To specify a default value:

"nameOfVariable": {
  "type": "string",
  "defaultValue": "someString"
"someOtherVariable": {
  "type": "boolean",
  "defaultValue": true"
"yetAnotherVariable": {
  "type": "number",
  "defaultValue": 10

Example 1-13 Object Variables

Object variables can also have default values:

"nameOfVariable": {
  "type": {
    "foo": "string",
    "bar": "number"
  "defaultValue": {
    foo: "myDefaultFoo"

Example 1-14 Object Variables That Reference An Application Type

Object variables that reference an application type can also have a default value for their properties:

"nameOfVariable": {
  "type": "application:myType",
  "defaultValue": {
    "foo": "myDefaultValue"

Example 1-15 Arrays

Arrays can also have a default value for their properties:

"nameOfVariable": {
  "type": "application:myArrType",
  "defaultValue": [
      "foo": "myDefaultValue"

The following table shows how a variable is initialized, based on its type, when no default value is provided.

Type Initial Value
String Undefined
Number Undefined
Boolean Undefined
Any Undefined
Object { }
Array [ ]
Custom type An empty object with all properties initialized according to this table