Flow Properties

A flow can define a default page, variables, chains, functions, listeners and types.

Here is an example of the descriptor for the flow other:

  "flowModelVersion": "18.1.5",
  "id": "other",
  "description": "Flow other",
  "defaultPage": "start",
  "types": {}
  "variables": {},
  "chains": {},
  "eventListeners": {}

All pages of a flow can access variables, chains, functions, listeners and types defined in the flow. Defining these elements in the flow allows you to share definition and objects that are used across multiple pages in the flow.

Property Description

The defaultPage property is used to define which page should be the current page of a flow, when the default page is not specified by the navigation.

In the example application above with the flows main and other, the path app/other will navigate to the flow other, and display the flow's default page.

In the descriptor for the flow other above, the defaultPage property defines start as the flow's default page.

types Pages can address a flow type using the "flow:typeName" syntax, where typeName is a type defined in the flow.
variables Flow variables can be addressed in any expression in the page using $flow.
chains In a callChainAction, pages can address a flow chain using the "flow:chainId" syntax.