Use Flows Not in the Flows Folder

A flow's id is the folder name in the flows folder. For example, if the flows folder contains a folder named main, the flow's id would be main. If you want to use a flow located in another location, you can use the flows property in the flow descriptor. The flows property is a map of paths keyed by the id given to the flow:

  "id": "Main Application"
  "flows": {
    "crm": "some-nested-path/flows/crm",
    "flow2": "/flows/flow2",
    "flow3": "http://host:port/special/location/of/myFlow"

The path is relative to the current flow location. If the path starts with /, the path is absolute, meaning that it is relative to the application directory (the directory where app-flow.json is located). You can also use a URL for the path. When the path is a URL, the flow will be loaded from the URL.