Reference Global Functions in an Expression

For the layout that defines the above modules, the following expressions can be used to call the methods exposed by a particular global functions module:

  • $layout.modules.commonUtils.titleCase()
  • $layout.modules.dateLocalUtils.dateToIsoString()

Where titleCase and dateToIsoString are the function names defined in functions.json in the extension.


$modules is the shortened form for use in the current container.


Any container that imports modules can expect $modules to be available (for example, $page.modules, $fragment. modules).

An action chain JavaScript can provide $modules as part of the context:

class MyChain extends ActionChain {

  async run(context, params) {

    const result = context.$application.modules.appUtils.update(); // can also call modules in parent scopes

    await Actions.assignVariable(context,
        variable: '$layout.variables.someValue',
        value: result / 2,