Navigate To Application

The Navigate To Application action is used to navigate to a navigable page or flow in a specified App UI, and if required, to pass parameters to the page or flow. For a page or flow to be navigable, meaning you can navigate to it from a different App UI, that page or flow must be set as navigable, as will be explained for this action's flow and page parameter.

This table describes the parameters for the Navigate To Application action:

Parameter Name Description
application The application (App UI) to navigate to.
history Set the effect on the browser history. Allowed values are: replace, skip and push. If set to replace, the current browser history entry is replaced, meaning that the Back button won't go back to that URL. If the value is set to skip, the URL is not modified. Default is push.
flow The flow within the selected App UI to navigate to. Only flows that have their "Let other App UIs navigate to this flow" setting enabled are available in the dropdown list.

page The page within the selected flow to navigate to. Only pages that have their "Let other App UIs navigate to this page" setting enabled on their Settings tab can be navigated to
params An object with the parameters to pass to the application, if required.

Here's an example of a call to the Navigate To Application action, in which an input parameter is passed to the application:

      const navToEmployeeAppResult = await Actions.navigateToApplication(context, {
        application: 'employee-app',
        history: 'replace',
        flow: 'empflow',
        page: 'empflow-main',
        params: {
          empID: empID,
      }, { id: 'navToEmpApp' });
Navigate to the Same Application with Different Input Parameters

Navigating to the same application but with different input parameters is considered a valid navigation, and since the input parameters change, the onValueChanged event is triggered.

The navigation is pushed to the browser history, so pressing the browser's Back button restores the previous values of the input parameters.