Return Action

The action module for this action is "vb/action/builtin/returnAction".

This action (which should be the terminal action of a chain) allows you to control the outcome and payload of that chain when necessary. Parameters for this action are as follows:

Parameter Name Description
payload The payload to return from this action. Useful in a 'callChainAction" to control the resulting payload from calling that action chain. This can be an expression.
outcome The outcome to return from this action. Useful in a 'callChainAction" to control the resulting outcome from calling that action chain. This can be an expression.

An example that uses the return action on a chain that makes a REST call, but returns a simpler value:

"myActionChain": {
  "root": "myAction",
  "actions": {
    "someRestCall": {
      "module": "vb/action/builtin/callRestAction",
      "parameters": {...},
      "outcomes": {
        "success": "myReturnAction"
    "myReturnAction": {
      "module": "vb/action/builtin/returnAction",
      "parameters": {
        "outcome": "success",
        "payload": "{{ $chain.results.someRestCall.body.somewhere.inthe.payload.isa.string }}"

This will return a simple string on a successful REST call if this action chain was called via the 'callChainAction'.