Switch Action

The action module for this action is "vb/action/builtin/switchAction".

This action will evaluate an expression and create an outcome with that value as the outcome name. An outcome of "default" is used when the expression does not evaluate to a usable string.

Parameter Name Description
caseValue This value is used as the outcome value. If null or undefined, the outcome is "default".
possibleValues Optional. Array of strings, representing the allowed outcomes. If caseValue evaluates to something not in this array, the outcome is "default".


"myActionChain": {
  "root": "myAction",
  "actions": {
    "myAction": {
      "module": "vb/action/builtin/switchAction",
      "parameters": {
        "caseValue": "{{ $chain.variables.myCase }}",
        "possibleValues": ["case1", "case2"]
      "outcomes": {
        "case1": "...",
        "case2": "...",
        "default": "..."