VB Switcher Examples

Example 1-60 Switcher elements ADP declaration using JET ojmutablearraydataprovider

"switcherArray": {
  "type": "object[]",
  "defaultValue": [
      "flow": "aaa",
      "name": "Flow aaa",
      "id": "a"
"switcherMutableArrayDP": {
  "type": "ojs/ojmutablearraydataprovider",
  "constructorParams": [
    "{{ $variables.switcherArray }}",
      "keyAttributes": "id"

Example 1-61 Switcher elements ADP using vb/ArrayDataProvider2

"switcherArray": {
  "type": "object[]",
  "defaultValue": [
      "flow": "aaa",
      "name": "Flow aaa",
      "id": "a"
"switcherADP": {
  "type": "vb/ArrayDataProvider2",
  "defaultValue" : {
    "keyAttributes": "id",
    "data": "{{ $variables.switcherArray }}",
    "itemType": "object"

Example 1-62 How to mark a page or a flow to be embeddable

  "title": "Start Page",
  "description": "Landing page of the flow",
  "navigation": {
    "embeddable": "enabled"

Example 1-63 Usage in page HTML

  data="[[ $variables.switcherADP ]]"
  current-item="{{ $variables.selectedItem }}"
  bridge="[[ vbBridge ]]"
  on-vb-before-pop-state="[[ $listeners.beforePopstate ]]">

Example 1-64 Entry in imports section of the page definition to load the component

"imports": {
  "components": {
    "oj-vb-switcher": {
      "path": "vb/components/oj-vb-switcher/loader"