VB Switcher Navigation

Page navigation inside a switcher element or when switching elements does not update the URL but the change is recorded in the browser history. As a result, the bookmarked page will not restore the current state of the switcher.

Navigation within a switcher element

It is possible to navigate to a different page inside a switcher element. When navigation occur, the URL is not updated but the navigation is recorded in the browser history. Using the browser's back button restores the previous page of the current switcher element. Navigation should be done using the navigateAction.

A switcher element can navigate to a different flow in the current App UI, open a different App UI, or navigate to an App UI.

Switching between elements

When switching between elements, the transition is recorded in the browser history. Using the back button restores the previously displayed element. This behavior can be altered using vbBeforePopState.

When switching between elements, the page lifecycle events are not dispatched because the page does not enter or exit. vbBeforeExit and vbExit are dispatched only after an element of the switcher is deleted.