Get a build's log



Returns the log of the build


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Build log

400 Response

ERROR: Job {jobName} does not have build {jobIdentifier}

401 Response

ERROR: Not authorized

403 Response

ERROR: User forbidden access to protected job
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Using the job name and identifier, the following example shows how to retrieve the log for the build, showing start and end times, unusual conditions, etc. by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using curl.

curl -X GET -u alex.admin

Enter host password for user 'alex.admin':


If the job with the specified name cannot be found, you will see this error:

ERROR: Job {jobName} no longer exists

If the job with the specified identifier cannot be found, you will see this error:

ERROR: Job identified by {jobIdentifier} no longer exists

If there is no job with the specified name and identifier, you will see this error:

ERROR: Job {jobName} does not have build {jobIdentifier}

If you try to retrieve a build log but use the incorrect username or password for the project, the call will return an HTTP Status 401 and this error:

ERROR: Unauthorized

If you try to retrieve a build log for a protected build job but you are an unauthorized user, the call will return an HTTP Status 403 and this error:

ERROR: User forbidden access to protected job
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