Get the log for the pipeline instance



Returns the log showing activities of jobs in the instance


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


400 Response

ERROR: instance id {id} must be > 0 or integer

404 Response

ERROR: No such pipeline {pipelineName}
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The following example shows how to retrieve a pipeline instance log showing job started/ended times, unusual conditions, etc. by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using curl.

curl -X GET -u alex.admin
[2019-12-02 13:02:41] Started by user alex.admin
[2019-12-02 13:02:46] Job [A] started
[2019-12-02 13:03:10] Job [A] finished build
[2019-12-02 13:03:11] Job [B] started
[2019-12-02 13:03:12] Job [D] started
[2019-12-02 13:04:04] Job [B] finished build
[2019-12-02 13:04:04] Job [E] not run because upstream jobs [D]
[2019-12-02 13:04:16] Job [D] finished build
[2019-12-02 13:04:17] Job [E] started
[2019-12-02 13:04:35] Job [E] finished build
[2019-12-02 13:04:36] Job [F] started
[2019-12-02 13:04:56] Job [F] finished build
[2019-12-02 13:04:56] Job [G] not run because upstream jobs [F]
[2019-12-02 13:04:56] Job [H] started
[2019-12-02 13:04:56] Job [C] not run because upstream jobs [F]
[2019-12-02 13:05:17] Job [H] finished build


If the pipeline can't be found, you'll see this error:

ERROR: Pipeline with name "{pipelineName}" does not exist

If the pipeline can be found but the instance can't, you'll see this error:

ERROR: Pipeline "{pipelineName}" instance "{instanceId}" does not exist
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