Validate a YAML job or pipeline configuration



Returns an error count and an annotated file if errors detected


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: string
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

ERROR: Validation errors...
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The first example shows how to validate a YAML job (Syntax) or pipeline configuration (in shellsyntax.yml) that has no errors by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using curl. You must have a local file shellsyntax.yml in your .ci-build folder for the example to work.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary @shellsyntax.yml -u alex.admin
Enter host password for user 'alex.admin':
Validating job Syntax
Summary: 0 errors; 0 warnings

The second example shows how to validate a YAML job (Bob) or pipeline configuration (in job.yml) that has errors by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using curl. As in the previous example, you must have a local file, job.yml, in your .ci-build folder for the example to work.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary @job.yml -u alex.admin
Enter host password for user 'alex.admin':
ERROR: Validation errors...
Validating job Bob
1 job:
2   name: Bob
3   vm-template: freo
ERROR: [3,16] freo is not a valid VM template name for this project
ERROR: [3,1] No vm-template specified
Summary: 2 errors; 0 warnings
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