Pipeline Diagrams

These diagrams provide graphical views of the pipelines used in the /v1/yaml/pipelines examples. See Get a pipeline's configuration.

This image shows the Pipeline Designer diagram for the JobPlacement pipeline configuration. This pipeline contains a Start node and six jobs. From Start, there are two arrows: one arrow goes to Job A then to JobE (to its right) and to JobF (below JobE); the second arrow goes from Start to JobB (below JobA). Below Start, on the left, there is an arrow from JobC to JobA, to its right, and another from Job D (below Job C) to Job B, also to its right.

Start the Pipeline Manually

The following diagram shows the jobs that are run when the pipeline is started manually. Shaded jobs and solid lines indicate jobs that are run. Unshaded Jobs and dotted lines represent jobs that were not run. The diagram depicts a successful run.This diagram shows the job flow when the pipeline is run. This pipeline contains a Start node and six jobs. From Start, there are two arrows: one arrow goes to Job A then to JobE (to its right) and to JobF (below JobE); the second arrow goes from Start to JobB (below JobA). Below Start, on the left, there is an arrow from JobC to JobA, to its right, and another from Job D (below Job C) to Job B, also to its right. After Start, the shaded jobs show the two flows. The first flow goes from Start to JobA to JobE, and with a dotted line to JobF, which is unshaded because it wasn't run. The second flow goes from Start to JobB.

Start Trigger Job (JobC) Externally

The following diagram shows the jobs that are run when JobC, a trigger job, is started externally. Shaded jobs and solid lines indicate jobs that are run. Unshaded Jobs and dotted lines represent jobs that were not run. The diagram depicts a successful run.Diagram that shows what happens when JobC is started externally, not through the pipeline. JobC is shaded and connects to JobA with a solid line, which connects to JobE with another solid line. This indicates the job flow. A dotted line, indicating that the job wasn't run, connects JobA (shaded) to JobF (unshaded). Dotted lines connect jobs JobD (unshaded) and JobB (unshaded), Start and (shaded) JobA, Start and JobB (unshaded), and JobA (shaded) and JobF (unshaded).

Start Trigger Job (JobD) Externally

This diagram shows jobs that are run when JobD, the other trigger job, is started externally. Shaded jobs and solid lines indicate jobs that are run. Unshaded Jobs and dotted lines represent jobs that were not run. The diagram depicts a successful run.Diagram that shows what happens when the JobD is started externally, not through the pipeline. JobD is shaded and connects with a solid line to JobB, which is also shaded. This indicates the job flow. Start connects with a dotted line to JobA (unshaded), JobE (unshaded), and JobF (unshaded). JobC (unshaded) connects with a dotted line to JobA, which is unshaded.