
Learn about the integration between WebCenter Content (on Marketplace) and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation (OCI Process Automation). You can do the following.

On uploading a document with a configured profile, WebCenter Content will trigger the corresponding registered OCI Process Automation process with payload containing document attributes as specified in the payload mapping.


  1. An OCI Process Automation user with administrator role. All calls to OCI Process Automation will be made as this user.
  2. OCI Process Automation process requirements:
    • All processes that need to be registered with WebCenter Content should have “Message start” activity as the entry point.
    • Designated OCI Process Automation administrator should have access to initiate all the required processes, or “Message start” activity of these processes should be marked as “All users and external applications” for users who can run the activity.
  3. A Client app in OCI Process Automation’s IDCS stripe. This is needed to talk to IDCS and fetch the token for the designated OCI Process Automation user. See Create a Client App in IDCS for steps to create the client app in IDCS.
  4. Credentials of the client app and OCI Process Automation user should be seeded in weblogic server’s credential map ‘oracle.wsm.security’ with below CSF key names.
  5. WebCenter Content profiles to be associated with OCI Process Automation processes. A profile can be associated with only one OCI Process Automation process.

Deployment and Configuration

  1. Log in to WebCenter Content as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration, Admin Server, Component Manager, and then Advanced Component Manager.
  3. Install the ProcessAutomation component.
  4. Restart the server once the installation is completed.

Once successfully installed, OCI Process Automation integration related configurations will be available under Administration, Oracle Process Automation, Connection Configurations.

Configuration page

Provide the following values in the configuration screen.

Name Description
Provider Endpoint OCI Process Automation endpoint. Format: method://opa-domain/process/api/v1
IDCS Endpoint OCI Process Automation’s IDCS endpoint. Format: method://idcs-domain/
IDCS Request Scope OCI Process Automation scope registered in the IDCS Client app. Usually will be of format: method://opa-domain/process
Proxy Host Proxy host, if any.
Proxy Port Proxy port, if any.

Once configured, click Update to save the configuration. Once updated, click Test Connection to test the connectivity to OCI Process Automation. If all the provided values are correct and all prerequisites are completed, the connection to OCI Process Automation will be established and a message indicating a successful connection will be shown.

Process Registration and Payload Mapping

After a connection is established with OCI Process Automation, the OCI Process Automation process can be registered with WebCenter Content for automated invocation. This can be completed by navigating to Administration, Oracle Process Automation, and then Process Configurations.

Process listing

By default, this page will show the ‘Process Configurations’ listing, i.e. processes that are already registered along with links to modify/delete them. This page also shows a link to register a new process.

To Register a New Process

  1. On the Process Configuration listing page, click Process and then Add Process.
  2. In the Process Registration Form, select the required values in the Application Name, Process Name, and WebCenter Content Profile fields.
  3. Click Save.
    1. On successful registration, you will be redirected to the Process Configuration listing page, and the new entry will be displayed.
    2. On failure, a suitable error message will be displayed.

Process registration

To Update or Delete a Registered Process

  1. On the Process Configuration listing page, click the Actions icon next to the required process.
  2. To update the process, select Update Process from the pop-up menu.
    1. You’ll be allowed to update the selected profile only. Update the profile as needed and click Update.
    2. On successful update, you will be redirected to the Process Configuration listing page, and the updated entry will be displayed.
    3. On failure, a suitable error message will be displayed.
  3. To delete the process, select Delete Process.
    1. On successful delete, you will be redirected to the Process Configuration listing page. The deleted entry will no longer be available.
    2. On failure, a suitable error message will be displayed.

To Update the Payload Mapping for a Process

  1. On the Process Configuration listing page, click the Actions icon next to the required process.
  2. Select Update Payload. The Update Payload Mapping form will be displayed.
    • The Field column will show the attributes from the OCI Process Automation process interface.
    • The Type column will show the type of the OCI Process Automation process attribute.
    • The Mapping column will show the available document attributes from WebCenter Content to map to the OCI Process Automation attribute.
    • For each OCI Process Automation attribute, select the corresponding WebCenter Content attribute. The @Literal attribute will allow to specify a literal value.
    • Note that only attributes of simple type are allowed. Complex data objects will not be shown.
  3. Click Update to save the mapping. Click Reset if you need to reset the mapping.
    1. On successful update of the mapping, you will be redirected to the Process Configuration listing page.
    2. On failure, a suitable error message will be displayed.

Process payload mapping

To Fetch the Latest Mapping for a Process from OCI Process Automation

  1. On the Process Configuration listing page, click the Action icon next to the required process.
  2. Select Refresh Payload.
  3. On the Update Payload Mapping page, the latest process attributes fetched from OCI Process Automation are displayed. Note that any existing mapping will be reset.
  4. Update the mapping as needed and click Update.
    1. On successful update, you will be redirected to the Process Configuration listing page.
    2. On failure, a suitable error message will be displayed.


With OCI Process Automation process registered in WebCenter Content for the required profile and with appropriate payload mapping updated, the process automation is ready to be triggered.

Any document uploaded with a registered profile will trigger WebCenter Content to start the corresponding process in OCI Process Automation. WebCenter Content will map suitable document attributes to corresponding OCI Process Automation process attributes as specified in the mapping. This flow of invoking the OCI Process Automation process happens in the background and can take up to 10 seconds to reflect in OCI Process Automation (on single file check-in).


Create a Client App in IDCS

  1. Log in to OCI Process Automation’s IDCS administration console (https://<IDCS URL>/ui/v1/adminconsole) as an administrator.
  2. In the Application and Services section, click +Add to add a new application.
  3. Select Confidential Application.
  4. Give the application a name and optionally, a description, and click Next.
  5. Choose to configure this application as a client.
  6. Under Authorization, Allowed Grant Types, select Resource Owner and Refresh Token grants.
  7. Scroll down to the Token Issuance Policy section and under Resources, click Add Scope to give the application access to the required Oracle Process Automation instance.
  8. Select the correct instance. Click the right arrow to select the scope. The only scope required is the one ending with /process, so select the check box next to it and then click Add.
    Note down the scope string as it will be used in the configuration screen.
  9. Click Next until the end of the train.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Note the Client ID and Client Secret values as these values will need to be seeded to weblogic’s CSF credentials.
  12. Select Activate and then click Save to enable the application.

Create CSF Entries with Credentials in Weblogic

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Weblogic Domain drop-down, Security, and then Credentials.
  3. Select oracle.wsm.security. If it does not already exist, create a map (by clicking Create Map) with the name oracle.wsm.security and select it.
  4. Click Create Key. Create a key for the IDCS Client app. Complete the following:
    • Key - process.idcs.credentials
    • Type - password
    • User Name - Specify the client ID of the client app created.
    • Password - Specify the client secret of the client app created.
    • Confirm password and click Ok.
  5. Create a key for the OCI Process Automation administrator in a similar way by specifying the key name process.provider.credentials and the credentials of the OCI Process Automation administrator.