Destroy Stack Resources

To delete an Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain, use Resource Manager to destroy the stack associated with the domain before you execute the Delete Stack action.


If your domain includes the Java Required Files (JRF) components, be sure to delete the JRF schema before you destroy the stack.

If autoscaling is enabled, you must destroy the autoscaling resources before you destroy the stack. See Delete Autoscaling Resources.

A destroy action terminates the compute instance or instances for the domain but the stack's state and job history remain until you execute the Delete Stack action.

To destroy a stack:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu icon, select Developer Services. Under the Resource Manager group, click Stacks.
  3. From the Compartment dropdown, select the compartment where your stack is located.
  4. Click the name of your stack.
  5. Click Terraform Actions, then click Destroy.
  6. When prompted for confirmation, click Destroy.
    A job with type Destroy and state Accepted is added to the top of the table under Jobs. After a few minutes, the state changes to In Progress.
  7. Wait for the destroy job state to change to Succeeded before you delete the stack.
To verify the stack has been destroyed, navigate to the Compute Instances page. Instances associated with a destroyed stack are labeled Terminated.

If there are networking resources created by the stack and those resources are still in use by other compute instances (not created by the stack):

  • The destroy action on the stack fails because related networking resources are still in use. Those networking resources will not be deleted.
  • The compute instances created by the stack are terminated. You can proceed to delete the stack.