Update the Password Secret OCID and Policy

If you have moved your password to new secret or vault or updated the password, then you must update the password secret OCID and policy to read the secrets with new secrets OCID.

Moved your password to new secret or vault

If you have moved your password to new secret or vault, complete the following steps:
  1. Update the metadata on each node by using update_metadata.py script, which is located at /opt/scripts/utils/:
    python3 /opt/scripts/update_metadata.py -k wls_admin_password_ocid -v <new_secrets_ocid>


    The command creates a backup of previous setup under /opt/scripts/utils/metadata_backup_<time_stamp>.txt.
  2. Update the servicename-secrets-policy policy to read the secrets with new secrets OCID.

Update your password in the existing secret

If you have updated your password, complete the following steps:
  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Identity & Security, and then click Vault.
  3. Under List Scope, in the Compartment list, click the name of the compartment that contains the vault with the secret you want to provide with new secret contents.
  4. From the list of vaults in the compartment, click the vault name.
  5. Click Secrets, and then click the name of the secret with the secret contents you want to update.
  6. Click Create Secret Version.
  7. Specify the format of the secret contents you're providing by choosing a template type from the Secret Type Template list.
  8. Click Secret Contents, and then enter the secret contents.
  9. Click Create Secret Version.
  10. Update the servicename-secrets-policy policy to read the secrets with new secrets OCID.