Configure a Bastion

You can configure a bastion compute instance on a public subnet to provide access to the WebLogic Server compute instances on a private subnet.


If you do not select this option, no status is returned for provisioning, then you must check the status of provisioning by connecting to each compute instance and confirm that the /u01/provStartMarker file exists with details found in the file /u01/logs/provisioning.log file.

It is recommended to deselect the Provision Bastion Instance option only in network with fast connect setup.

When you use a public subnet for an existing VCN and existing subnet, bastion is not required. However, when you create a new VCN, or create a new subnet for an existing VCN, you must create a bastion during stack creation.

To configure a bastion:

  1. If your want to use a bastion compute instance with a reserved public IP, then select Assign Reserved Public IP to Bastion Instance.
  2. For the bastion host subnet, specify one of the following:
    • If you want to use an existing regional subnet, then choose the name of an existing regional subnet from the list of regional and availability domain-specific subnets.
    • If you are creating a new regional subnet, specify a CIDR for the new subnet.


      This is applicable if you are using an existing VCN with new subnets or creating a new VCN.
  3. Select a shape for the bastion compute instance.
  4. If you are using existing network security groups (NSGs) for an existing subnet, specify the NSG that is assigned to the bastion instance.