Configure Tags

Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI can optionally assign tags to the resources (compute, network, and so on) that it creates for your domain.

Tagging allows you to define keys and values and associate them with resources. You can then use the tags to help you organize and find resources based on your business needs. There are separate fields to tag the stack and to tag the resources created within the stack.

  1. Select Create Tags.
  2. To assign a free-form tag, enter the Tag Key and Value.
    Free-form tag keys and values are case sensitive. For example, costcenter and CostCenter are treated as different tags.
  3. To assign an existing tag, for Tag Namespace, select a defined tag, and then select the Tag Key and Value. If no value is displayed for the Tag Key, enter the Value.
  4. Click Additional Tag to assign additional free-form or defined tags.