Delete a JRF Database Schema

If the Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI domain you want to delete was created with the Java Required Files (JRF) components, you must remove the JRF schema before you destroy the stack.


Skip this procedure for an instance that was cloned, as database schemas are required in the cloned instance.
You'll need the following to delete the JRF schema:
  • The secure shell (SSH) private key that corresponds to the public key that was specified when you created the domain
  • The public IP address to the Administration Server node. If the WebLogic domain is in a private subnet, look up the bastion's public IP address and the private IP address of the administration server node.
  • The WebLogic Server administrator password
  • The SYSDBA user password of the database associated with the domain

To delete the schema associated with a JRF-enabled domain:

  1. From your computer, run the ssh command to connect to the domain's Administration Server node as the opc user.
    ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@node_IP_address


    ssh -i path_to_private_key -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i path_to_private_key opc@bastion_public_IP" opc@node_private_IP

    For example:

    ssh -i /home/myuser/mykey.openssh opc@
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.openssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i ~/.ssh/mykey.openssh opc@" opc@
  2. If prompted, enter the passphrase for the private key.
  3. Change to the oracle user.
    sudo su - oracle
  4. Run the following command to delete the JRF schemas, providing the passwords for the WebLogic Server administrator and SYSDBA user.
    /opt/scripts/ domain_password database_password

    For example:

    /opt/scripts/ wlsadminpassword dbadminpassword
  5. Wait for the script to run. The operation is completed when you see output similar to the following:
    Component schemas dropped:
    Component                                     Status       Logfile
    Common Infrastructure Services                Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/stb.log
    Oracle Platform Security Services             Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/opss.log
    User Messaging Service                        Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/ucsums.log
    Audit Services                                Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/iau.log
    Audit Services Append                         Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/iau_append.log
    Audit Services Viewer                         Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/iau_viewer.log
    Metadata Services                             Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/mds.log
    WebLogic Services                             Success      /tmp/RCU2019-06-10_numstring/logs/wls.log
    Repository Creation Utility - Drop : Operation Completed
    <Jun 11, 2019 05:15:12 PM GMT> <INFO> <> <( - Successfully deleted rcu schemas for prefix = SP1560222222>
  6. If necessary, review the entire output for exceptions or failures that caused a failed or incomplete deletion. For example, a failure to connect to the domain could be caused by an invalid WebLogic Server administrator password. Re-execute the script after fixing the issues.