Variables in Terraform Scripts

The variables you need input to the terraform scripts in Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE.


If you are using a Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE (Release 21.3.2 or earlier), see Terraform Scripts in Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE (Release 21.3.2 or earlier).

The following table lists all the variables in terraform scripts:

Table 1-1 Variables in terraform scripts

Variables Type Default Value Optional Can be updated? Description

Authentication Information

Note: Use env_vars_template to create env_vars and source it as: source ./env_vars before running terraform init.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - Yes Fingerprint of the OCI API private key.

Path to private key

String - - - Path to the private key that matches the fingerprint.

Tenancy OCID

String - - - OCID of the tenancy in which you want to perform changes.


String - - - OCID of the signed in user. That is, your OCID.

WebLogic Server Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - OCID of the compartment for WebLogic instances.


String - - - Region for provisioning.


String - - - Prefix for stack resources. The names of all the related compute and network resources begins with the prefix you assign here.


String - - - Content of public key for access.


String - - - Prefix for stack resources. The names of all the related compute and network resources begins with the prefix you assign here.


______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Boolean true Yes - Create policies to read Secrets from Vault and manage ATP database (if applicable).

Container Cluster (OKE) Configuration

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - Existing cluster ID value.


String Latest Kubernetes version is displayed by default. Yes - Kubernetes version.


String 1 - Yes

Count of the non-WebLogic node pool.

Note: If you update the node pool count, then the node pool is recreated. If you scale the compute instance and the WebLogic server Operator does not connect to the WebLogic server Persistence store, see Scaling Compute Instances.


String VM.Standard2.1 - Yes Shape of the non-WLS node pool.


String - Yes - CIDR value of the OKE pod.


String - Yes - CIDR value of the services.


String - - - Name of the OKE cluster.


String VM.Standard2.1 - Yes Shape of the worker nodes.


Number 1 - Yes Number of nodes in the WebLogic node pool.

Note: If you update the node pool count, then the node pool is recreated. If you scale the compute instance and the WebLogic server Operator does not connect to the WebLogic server Persistence store, see Scaling Compute Instances.


Boolean false - - Indicates if you have enabled encryption by using the master encryption key in Vault. If you do not enable this option, the standard block storage encryption is used for etcd read and write and Kubernetes secrets at rest in etcd are not encrypted.


String - - - Key OCID for Kubernetes secret encryption.


Boolean false - - Indicates if you are using an existing cluster.


Boolean false - - Indicates if you are using a public or private endpoint for the cluster.

Container Cluster (OKE) Administration Instances

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - Name of the availability domain for the administrator instance.


String VM.Standard.E2.1 - - Shape for administrator instance.


String VM.Standard.E2.1 - - Shape for bastion instance.


Boolean false - - Indicates the admin host have a public IP.

Network Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - The network compartment ID.


String - - - OCID of an existing VCN where you want to create the compute instances, network resources, and load balancers.


String - - - OCID of an existing load balancer subnets.


String - - - OCID for an existing bastion subnet.


String - - - OCID for an OKE worker node subnet.


String - - - OCID for an existing cluster private API endpoint subnet.


String - - - OCID for an existing administrator subnet.


String - - - OCID for an existing FSS subnet.


String - Yes -

OCID for an existing NAT gateway.

Note: You need to specify either the NAT gateway (existing_nat_gw_id) or service gateway (existing_service_gw_id).


String - Yes -

OCID for an existing service gateway.

Note: You need to specify either the NAT gateway (existing_nat_gw_id) or service gateway (existing_service_gw_id).


Boolean true Yes - Creates bastion for the stack.

If true, it provisions a bastion compute instance on a public subnet to provide access to the WebLogic server compute instances on a private subnet.


String - - CIDR block of the VCN.


        CIDR of the load balancer subnet.


        CIDR for an OKE worker node subnet.


        CIDR for an existing cluster private API endpoint subnet.


        CIDR for an existing bastion subnet.


        CIDR for an existing administrator subnet.


        CIDR for an existing FSS subnet.

Load Balancer Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String flexible - - Shape of the ingress load balancer.
ingress_lb_shape_min String 10 Mbps - Yes Minimum size of the flexible load balancer shape.
ingress_lb_shape_max String 100 Mbps - Yes MAximum size of the flexible load balancer shape.

Shared File System Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - OCID of the availability domain for Shared File System.


String - Yes - OCID for the mount target.


String - Yes - OCID of the compartment for the mount target.

This variable is required if mountTarget_id is updated.

OCIR Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


String - - - OCIR user name.


String - - - OCID token for the OCIR user name.


String - - - The URL to the OCIR.


String - - - The OCIR repository to download the existing custom WLS image to create a domain.

Gateway Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Boolean true - - Indicates if you want to create a NAT gateway.


Boolean true     Indicates if you want to create a service gateway.

Security Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Boolean false - - Indicates if you want to allow access to NodePorts, when worker nodes are outside the access zone (only applicable for public worker nodes).


Boolean true - - Indicates if you want to allow SSH access to worker nodes, for worker nodes in instances in the same VCN.

Verrazzano Variables

______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Boolean false Yes - Indicates if you have enabled Verrazzano integration.
vz_profile String prod - - The deployment profile for Verrazzano.
vz_env_name String   - - Name of the Verrazzano installation. This name is part of the generated endpoint access URLs.
vz_customize_dns Boolean false - - Indicates if you have enabled to customize DNS configurations for Verrazzano system and application endpoints.
vz_customize_certificates Boolean false - - Indicates if you have enabled to customize SSL certificate generation for Verrazzano system endpoints.
vz_customize_elastic_search Boolean false - - Indicates if you have enabled to customize Elastic Search.
vz_customize_persistent_storage Boolean false - - Indicates if you have enabled to customize Persistent Volumes.
vz_dns_type String Wildcard - - The DNS type.
vz_wild_card_dns_type String - - The DNS Wildcard type.
vz_dns_zone_compartment_ocid String - - - The OCI DNS Zone compartment ID.
vz_dns_zone_ocid String - - - The OCI DNS Zone OCID.
vz_certificate_type String Verrazzano self-signed CA - - The certificate type.
vz_custom_ca_signing_key_secret_ocid String - - - The custom CA signing key secret OCID.
vz_custom_ca_cert_secret_ocid String - - - The custom CA Cert secret OCID
vz_letsencrypt_email String - - - The email ID for LetsEncrypt.
vz_letsencrypt_env String production - - The LetsEncrypt environment type.
vz_is_system_lb_private Boolean true - - The system load balancer visibility type.
vz_system_lb_shape String flexible - - The shape of the system load balancer.
vz_system_lb_min_bandwidth Number 10     The minimum bandwidth of the system load balancer.
vz_system_lb_max_bandwidth Number 10 - - The maximum bandwidth of the system load balancer.
vz_is_app_lb_private Boolean false - - The application load balancer visibility type
vz_app_lb_shape String flexible - - The shape of the application load balancer.
vz_app_lb_min_bandwidth Number 10 - - The minimum bandwidth of the application load balancer.
vz_app_lb_max_bandwidth Number 100 - - The maximum bandwidth of the application load balancer.
vz_es_master_node_replica_count Number 3 - - The number of master node replicas.
vz_es_master_node_memory Number 1.4 - - The master node memory in GB.
vz_es_ingest_node_replica_count Number 1 - - The number of ingest node replicas.
vz_es_ingest_node_memory Number 2.5 - - The Ingest node memory in GB.
vz_es_data_replica_count Number 2 - - The number of data replicas.
vz_es_data_replica_memory Number 4.8 - - The data replicate memory in GB.
vz_es_storage_size Number 50 - - The storage capacity in GB.
vz_ephemeral_storage Boolean false - - Use Ephemeral Storage for Dev profiles only.
vz_ps_capacity_global Number 50 - - The persistent volume storage capacity for all components in GB.
vz_ps_capacity_keycloak Number 50 - - The persistent volume storage capacity for Keycloak in GB.
vz_node_pool_shape String VM.Standard2.4 - - The shape of worker nodes.
vz_node_pool_count Number 3 - - The number of nodes in the Verrazzano node pool.


Support for existing bastion host to be used in provisioning WebLogic server with private subnet is enabled in terraform CLI only. This can be achieved by using the variables: is_bastion_instance_required, existing_bastion_instance_id, and bastion_ssh_private_key. For existing WebLogic server subnet, you will need to open port 22 for bastion IP/subnet CIDR. For a new WebLogic server subnet we create security list with bastion private IP.