Access the Administration Instance

Access the administration compute instance for a domain that you created with Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE.

From the administration compute instance, you can access the shared file system at /u01/shared. It also includes the following software:

  • kubectl - Deploy and manage pods in the Kubernetes cluster for this domain.
  • docker - Download, modify and update Docker images in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry. Use the login command to connect to the registry.
  • oci - View, create and update resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

This compute instance is on a private subnet and cannot be directly accessed from the public Internet. You can use the bastion instance, which is on a public subnet, and the proxy option of a secure shell (SSH) utility.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu icon, select Developer Services. Under the Resource Manager group, click Stacks.
  3. Select the Compartment in which your domain is created.
  4. Click the stack for your domain.
  5. Click Jobs.
  6. In the Jobs table, click the Apply job for the stack.
  7. Click Application Information.
  8. Identify and make a note of the following IP addresses:
    • Bastion Instance Public IP - The public IP address of the bastion compute instance
    • Admin Instance Private IP - The private IP address of the administration compute instance
  9. From your computer, create an SSH connection to the administration instance's IP address, and also specify the bastion instance's IP address as a proxy.

    Connect as the opc user.

    Provide the path to the private key that corresponds to the public key that you specified when you created the domain.

    The SSH command format is:

    ssh -i <path_to_private_key> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p –i <path_to_private_key> opc@<bastion_public_ip>" opc@<admin_ip>

    For example:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.openssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i ~/.ssh/mykey.openssh opc@" opc@

    On a Windows platform, you can use Windows PowerShell to run the SSH command.

  10. If prompted, enter the passphrase for the private key.