Download the ATP Wallet

The download script unpacks and copies the ATP wallet contents to a node.

  1. Open an SSH connection to the domain's Administration Server node as the opc user.
    ssh -i <path_to_private_key> opc@<node_public_ip>
  2. Download the ATP wallet to the administration host using the following wallet script:
    python /u01/scripts/utils/download_atp_wallet.shutils/ <atp_database_ocid>
     <atp_wallet_password> <path_to_extract_wallet_files>


    python /u01/scripts/utils/ download_atp_wallet_with_pwd
    ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.abyhqljtzrr25tfpdyzbjq5udz3lz2hkb5txvtfejckwd25z6hjg6qbxm4ta <password>

    Eight files are extracted to the subdirectory. The following is an example of the script response:

    <Apr 29, 2021 09:51:35 PM GMT> <INFO> <oci_api_utils> <( - <WLSOKE-VM-INFO-0100> : ATP Wallet downloaded>
    Archive:  /tmp/
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/README 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/cwallet.sso 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/tnsnames.ora 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/truststore.jks 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/ 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/sqlnet.ora 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/ewallet.p12 
      inflating: /u01/shared/atp_wallet/keystore.jks