Create the Kubernetes Secrets for the JRF Domain

The WebLogic Kubernetes Operator expects the secret key names to be username and password of the administrative account in the same Kubernetes namespace as the domain resource.

You should create the following secret key names:
  • A Kubernetes docker-registry secret containing the registry credentials.
    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry ocirsecret1 \
      -n <domain_name>-ns \ \
      --docker-username=<YOUR_USERNAME> \
      --docker-password=<YOUR_PASSWORD> \
  • The WebLogic domain administrator credentials.
    $ kubectl create secret generic <domain_name>-weblogic-credentials \
      --from-literal=username=<ADMIN_USERNAME> --from-literal=password=<ADMIN_PASSWORD> \
      -n <domain_name>-ns
  • The domain runtime encryption secret.
    $ kubectl -n <domain_name>-ns create secret generic \
      <domain_name>-runtime-encryption-secret \
  • The secret to access the Repository Creation Utility (RCU):
    If you are using the Oracle Autonomous Database:
    $ kubectl create secret generic  <domain_name>-rcu-access
          -n <domain_name>-ns
    If you are using a database deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI):
    $ kubectl create secret generic <domain_name>-rcu-access 
          -n <domain_name>-ns
  • The wallet password secret for Oracle Platform Security Service (OPSS).
    $ kubectl create secret generic <domain_name>-opss-wallet-password-secret  
         -n <domain_name>-ns