Upgrade Verrazzano

You can upgrade to the latest available Verrazzano version for a Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE stack with Verrazzano.

You can upgrade the Verrazzano version using private registry (offline upgrade) or using the internet (online upgrade).

Upgrade Using Private Registry

To upgrade the Verrazzano version:

  1. Download the latest version of the Verrazzano zip file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.


    For patched versions, go to Oracle Support and raise a service request for the latest version of the Verrazzano zip file.
    1. In your browser, go to Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and log in with your credentials.
    2. Click the drop-down next to the search bar and select Download Package.
    3. In the search bar, enter Verrazzano Enterprise Container Platform and click Search.
    4. Select the DLP: Oracle Verrazzano Enterprise Edition <version> link. This adds the link to your download queue.
    5. Select the Continue link.
    6. Accept the license agreement and click Continue.
    7. Download the file:
      • To download the zip file directly, select the file link in the list.
      • To download the zip file using Oracle Download Manager, click Download and run the Oracle Download Manager executable file.
  2. Place the zip file in /u01/shared location on the administration host.
  3. Run the following upgrade script from the administration host:
    /u01/scripts/verrazzano/utils/upgrade-verrazzano.sh -v <latest_version> -p -a <path_to_Verrazzano_archive(zip)_file>

Upgrade Using Internet

Ensure that a NAT gateway is created for the administration instance private subnet and the worker nodes private subnet.

To upgrade the Verrazzano version using internet, run the following upgrade script from the administration host:

/u01/scripts/verrazzano/utils/upgrade-verrazzano.sh -v <latest_version>


If you installed the current Verrazzano version in your Kubernetes cluster using private registry, before you upgrade Verrazzano, perform the following steps:
  1. Get the name of the verrazzano-platform-operator helm chart.
    helm list -o json | jq -r '.[] | select(.chart | contains("verrazzano-platform-operator")) | .name'
  2. Uninstall the verrazzano-platform-operator helm chart.
    helm uninstall <verrazzano-platform-operator>