Upgrade WebLogic Deploy Tooling

To upgrade WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT), download the latest version of the WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) from GitHub.

  1. Access the administration compute instance for your stack. See Access the Administration Instance.
  2. Go to /u01/shared/tools/ location.
  3. Create a backup of existing WDT file.
    mv weblogic-deploy weblogic-deploy_backup
    mv weblogic-deploy.zip weblogic-deploy.zip_backup
  4. Browse to the URL, https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-deploy-tooling/releases/latest.
  5. Download the weblogic-deploy.zip file to the /u01/shared/tools/ location on the administration host.
    wget <location of weblogic-deploy.zip file>


    wget https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-deploy-tooling/releases/download/release-2.3.2/weblogic-deploy.zip

    If the download fails due to connection time out issue, configure the proxy settings using the following commands:

    export http_proxy=<proxy_server_ip_address>
    export https_proxy=$http_proxy
  6. Extract the contents of the WDT zip file.
    unzip weblogic-deploy.zip
    You can now create a domain and update an domain using the upgraded WDT file.