Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

About Direct URLs

Other source systems like Oracle ERP Cloud can embed URLs to directly link to artifacts contained in cards, tabs, and sub-tabs within connected EPM Cloud environments.

Other Cloud environments like Oracle ERP Cloud use direct URL links to open connected EPM Cloud content like forms, dashboards, and infolets. To make the integration between EPM Cloud and other systems seamless, you can use an export option, called Export URLs, to create a CSV file that provides the unique URLs for each card, tab, or sub-tab within a connected EPM Cloud business process. URLs are grouped by navigation flow and cluster, so the URLs are easier to find within the CSV file. You can open the CSV file with a text editor or Microsoft Excel and embed the relevant URL within the source system pages to serve as a launch point into EPM Cloud.

Exporting URLs

To export EPM Cloud URLs to a CSV file:

  1. Log into an EPM Cloud environment.
  2. From the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name (upper right corner of the screen).
  3. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Export URLs, and then click Save.

The system saves a CSV file to the default download folder on your local machine, and the file name is automatically generated with the current date and time of the server; for example, 19_Feb_2021 13_15_38 Navigation Flow URLs.csv. Find the file in your download folder, and open it with a text editor or with Microsoft Excel.

Viewing the Exported URLs File

The CSV file lists all of the URLs in the business process. Each card, tab (vertical tab), and sub-tab (horizontal tab) has a unique URL. When viewed in a text editor like Notepad or in Microsoft Excel, it identifies the URL for each card, tab, and sub-tab, so the URLs for each artifact can be more easily found. URLs are grouped by navigation flow and by cluster.


Only cards, tabs, and sub-tabs have URLs. Navigation flows and clusters don't have URLs.

See the following example direct URLs export file as viewed in Notepad:

Example Direct URLs Export File as Viewed in a Text Editor

The URLs export file provides the following information separated by a vertical bar or pipe ( | ) delimiter character:

  • Navigation Flow Name

  • Status

  • Type

  • Name of the cluster, card, tab, or sub-tab

  • URL

  • Visible

  • Role/Group

  • Description

To view the URLs export file in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Open Excel, and then click the Data menu.
  2. Click New Query, then From File, and then click From CSV.
  3. Find and select the CSV file you exported, and then click Import. A new window displays the data in the CSV file.
  4. To make the first row of the CSV file the header row, click Edit, click Use First Row as Headers, and then click Close and Load.

The resulting Excel file will look like the following example:

Example Direct URLs Export File as Viewed in Excel

Find and copy the unique URL for the card, tab, or sub-tab that you wish to have integrated into the other connected environment. Only the URL target will open and users with access to the targeted artifact can perform the same actions as if they're working within the target business process.