Extracting Archived Transactions in Transaction Matching
When the archive files for an Archive Transactions job are unavailable, you can extract the archive files and their contents.
Assume that the archived files for an Archive Transactions job were deleted from the system based on the set retention policy. The Service Administrator can extract and retrieve the matched transactions from this job. and then create a new archive file containing these transactions.
To extract archived transactions, you create an Extract Transactions job. The matched transactions that were part of the Archive Transactions job are extracted, a new archive file containing these transactions is created, and the transactions are marked using the job ID of the extract transactions job.
You need to extract archived transactions only if the job that archived these transaction is not available on the Job History page. If you try to extract archived transactions for a job that is still listed in Job History (that is, not aged out after 60 days), a message is displayed asking you to download the archive file using the Succeeded link of the Archive Transactions job.
To extract archived transactions:
From Home, select Applications, and then Jobs.
Click Transaction Matching to access the Transaction Matching jobs.
Click the ellipsis to the right of the archive job whose transactions must be extracted and select Re-Extract Archive.
A job with a unique job ID is added to the list of jobs. The initial status of the job is Pending.
Click Refresh after a few minutes to check the job status.
If the job completed without errors, the status shows as Succeeded.
Click Succeeded to view and download the log file.
Download and save the archive file and the log file.
- Position your mouse over Succeeded. Links to two files are shown: a zip file that contains the archived transactions and a log file for the re-extract job.
- Click a file name to download the file.