Updating Profile Attributes

An Administrator or Power User can also update Profile attributes.

Follow these high level steps to update profile attributes:

  1. Export the current attributes to a CSV file. See Exporting Profiles.
  2. Make changes to the exported file.
  3. Import the revised attribute file using Import and choose the option Update, rather than replace, in order to make the changes in the revised attribute file. See Importing Profiles.

Table 7-2 Profile Attributes and UI Export Options

Column (Attribute) UI Export Option
Segment <n> <Default>
Account Name Name
Description Description
Process Process
Format Format
Organizational Unit Organizational Unit
Risk Rating Risk Rating
Account Type Account Type
Instructions Instructions
Active Active
Normal Balance Normal Balance
Auto Recon Method Auto Reconciliation Method
Auto Recon Bal Low Auto Reconciliation Method
Auto Recon Bal High Auto Reconciliation Method
Auto Recon Threshold Number Auto Reconciliation Method
Auto Recon Threshold Percent Auto Reconciliation Method
Max Age Adjustments Maximum Age Adjustments
Max Age Explanations Maximum Age Explanation
Manual Balance Source System Enter Source System Balances
Manual Balance Subsystem Enter Subsystem Balances
Preparer Preparer
Preparer Backup Preparer
Preparer Frequency Preparer
Preparer Require Action By Preparer
Start Offset Preparer
Duration Preparer
Reviewer <n> Reviewer
Reviewer Backup <n> Reviewer
Reviewer Frequency Reviewer
Reviewer Duration <n> Reviewer
Commentator Commentator
Viewer Viewer
Historical Rate Historical Rate
Rate Type Rate Type
Attribute 1 <Custom Attribute>
Attribute Value 1 <Custom Attribute>
Attribute Access 1 <Custom Attribute>
Attribute Attachment Access 1 <Custom Attribute>
Attribute Copy To Profile 1 <Custom Attribute>
Enable Currency Bucket 1 Currency Bucket Enabled (Entered)
Default Currency Bucket 1 Currency Bucket Default Currency (Entered)
Enable Currency Bucket 2 Currency Bucket Enabled (Functional)
Default Currency Bucket 2 Currency Bucket Default Currency (Functional)
Enable Currency Bucket 3 Currency Bucket Enabled (Reporting)
Default Currency Bucket 3 Currency Bucket Default Currency (Reporting)