Submitting, Approving, and Rejecting Reconciliations

Preparers submit reconciliations for review when they are finished working on them. Only preparers can submit reconciliations for review. Before a preparer can submit a reconciliation, all required questions must be answered, and values must be supplied for all custom attributes configured as required. If the Unexplained Difference Must Be Zero option is enabled, the attributes Unexplained Difference row in the Balance Summary table must show all zeros before the preparer can submit the reconciliation.

  • When a preparer submits a reconciliation, responsibility passes to the first reviewer in the workflow, and the status changes to Open with Reviewer. An email notification is sent to the reviewer. If the reconciliation has no reviewers, the status changes to Closed.

  • When a reviewer approves a reconciliation, responsibility passes to the next reviewer in the workflow, if there is one, and status remains Open with Reviewer. An email notification is sent to the reviewer. If the reconciliation has no other reviewers, the status changes to Closed.

  • When a reviewer rejects a reconciliation, responsibility returns to the preparer, and the status changes to Open with Preparer. Reviewers should add a comment to a rejected reconciliation.

Reviewers can flag transactions that need attention. Flagged transactions display a flag icon to enable preparers to find them easily. A reviewer can delete only their own comments. After the reconciliation status changes to Closed; however, comments cannot be deleted.


If a preparer or reviewer has completed work on a reconciliation and then a different preparer or reviewer is assigned that reconciliation, the system displays the original preparer or reviewer as Preparer (Actual) or Reviewer (Actual) in addition to the current user assigned. This can also occur if a preparer or reviewer is no longer part of a team.

To Submit, Approve, or Reject Reconciliations

  1. Select a reconciliation.
  2. Select Actions, and then Open
  3. Submit, Approve, or Reject the reconciliation.

To Submit, Approve, or Reject Multiple Reconciliations at One Time


The Service Administrator must enable this feature. If enabled, users will be able to perform one or more of these actions: Submit, Approve, or Reject.
  1. From Reconciliations, select one or more reconciliations that you want to submit, approve, or reject.
  2. From Actions, select Update, then the action you want to perform on all the reconciliations (Submit, Approve, or Reject).