Match Rules

Match rules determine how matches are made.

Rules can be configured for tolerance ranges on dates and amounts, and adjustments can be made when variances exist.

Match Rule Types

The following matching rule types are supported:

  • 1 to 1
  • 1 to Many
  • Many to 1
  • Many to Many
  • Adjustment

Tolerance Limits

A tolerance limit specifies the permitted difference when matching two values in Transaction Matching. It can be expressed as a numerical value or a percentage.

For example, you specify a tolerance limit of -10 to +10 for Amount in the match rule. Then, the Amounts from the source system and subsystem are considered an exact match if their difference is equal to or less than 10. Consider a source system amount of 26000 and subsystem amount of 25990. These values are considered an exact match because the difference between them is 10, which is less than the specified tolerance of 10.

For more information, see "Evaluating Tolerances" in Understanding the Transaction Matching Engine.

Match Rule Conditions

A match rule condition determines which attributes must be matched together, and whether they must match exactly, or a tolerance is allowed.

Match rule conditions make it easier to define matching rules in multiple source match processes by defining the default relationship between attributes in the source system and subsystem.

Match Status for Matching Rules

During the Auto Match process, each match rule can have a matching status.

The possible match statuses, for match rules other than the adjustment type, are as follows:

  • Suggested
  • Confirmed
  • Suggested (No Ambiguous)
  • Confirmed (No Ambiguous)

For Adjustment type, the only match status supported is Suggested or Confirmed.