Business Case for Transaction Matching

When you consider your total number of reconciliations, you will notice that a small number of reconciliations cause the most work. This is reason Transaction Matching features are a perfect complement to Reconciliation Compliance. They provide the tools to make those complex reconciliations simpler and then integrate the period-end results into the Reconciliation Compliance period-end process.

Business case for Transaction Matching

Scenarios for Which Transaction Matching is Beneficial

  • Balance sheet-related reconciliations
    • Suspense and Clearing Accounts
    • Intercompany
    • Cash
    • Credit card receivables
    • Detailed Subledger reconciliation
  • Operational, off-balance sheet, reconciliations
    • System to System reconciliations (which typically involve two third-parties whose accounts must be in sync with each other)
    • Stock or share settlements
    • Expense reimbursements