About Cosmetic and Non-Cosmetic Changes

Loading transactions into Transaction Matching may cause period-end reconciliations to be reopened. This happens automatically, without a warning message, since the importing of transactions is, typically, a scheduled job performed after business hours.

The system handles transactions differently based on how they affect the period-end reconciliation. Changes to transactions can be classified into Non-cosmetic changes and Cosmetic changes.

Non-Cosmetic Cosmetic Changes to Transactions in Transaction Matching

Non-cosmetic changes automatically reopen period-end reconciliations. If the period is locked, non-cosmetic changes are not allowed.

Following is a list of non-cosmetic changes:

  • Import one or more transactions whose Accounting Date is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date
  • Delete one or more transactions whose Accounting Date is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date

    The deletion can be done from the Unmatched Transactions tab or by searching using the Job Id.

  • Unmatch a match with an adjustment, if the Accounting Date of the adjustment is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date and the Extract Status of the adjustment is Open
  • Match with Adjustment where Accounting Date of the adjustment is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date
  • Delete Support from one or more transactions with Accounting Date is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date


    Adding Support is a cosmetic change.
  • Edit transaction Accounting Date or Balancing Amount when Accounting Date is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date

The Closed Through Date is defined as the period-end date for the last Preparer completed reconciliation. For example if the Preparer is working on April 2022, and the most recent previous reconciliation completed is March 2022, then the Closed Through Date is 31-March-2022 (assuming that’s the End Date of the March period).

Cosmetic Changes to Transactions in Transaction Matching

Cosmetic changes automatically update the subtotals on the period-end reconciliation. Because the reconciliation balancing (unexplained difference) is not affected, the reconciliation is not reopened.

Following is a list of cosmetic changes:

  • Match Set created and all transactions have an Accounting Date that is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date

    The cosmetic effect is that the Total Unmatched and/or Unmatched Supported is reduced equally.

  • Match Set is Unmatched and all transactions have an Accounting Date that is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date

    The cosmetic effect is that the Total Unmatched and/or Unmatched Supported is increased equally.

  • Match Set created and some transactions have an Accounting Date that is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date, others have Accounting Date greater than the Closed Through Date

    The cosmetic effect is that, for the affected sources, the total Unmatched and/or Unmatched Supported is reduced, and Matched In-Transit is increased, equally.

  • Adjustment Match Set is Unmatched and Accounting Date of Adjustment is greater than the Closed Through Date

    The cosmetic effect is that, for the affected sources, the total Matched In-Transit is reduced, and the Total Unmatched is increased equally.

  • Unmatch a match with an adjustment, if the Accounting Date of the adjustment is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date and the Extract Status of the adjustment is Closed
  • Support is added to Unmatched Transactions having an Accounting Date that is less than or equal to the Closed Through Date

    The cosmetic effect is that the Total Unmatched is reduced, and Total Unmatched Supported is increased equally.