Using the Cosmetic Changes Report

Use the Cosmetic Changes Report to view all cosmetic changes made to a reconciliation during a specific period.

Cosmetic changes are certain updates to transactions that occur after the reconciliation is submitted and closed. These changes do not require the reconciliation to be reopened. For more information about cosmetic changes, see About Cosmetic and Non-Cosmetic Changes.

The Cosmetic Changes report is a single report that contains all cosmetic changes to the related transactions for the reconciliation. The details include Account ID, reconciliation status, match type, data source, match ID, match status, accounting date, and amount. This helps you to analyze cosmetic changes that have been made to the reconciliation after it is submitted.

The system includes validations to check if the reconciliation exists for the specified period and its status. If the reconciliation does not exist for a period, or its status is Open with Preparer, a message is displayed indicating that the report can’t be generated.

To generate the cosmetic changes report:

  1. From the Home page, click Matching, and then select the reconciliation for which you want to generate the cosmetic changes report.
  2. In the Balancing panel of the Overview tab, select the period for which the report must be generated.
  3. Click Actions and select Cosmetic Changes Report.

    The Information dialog is displayed containing the Job ID of this report generation job.

  4. Click the link in the Information dialog to display the Jobs page.
  5. For your Job ID, click the Succeeded link to view the generated report.

The file name of the generated report is in the format Cosmetic_Changes_Report_ACCOUNT_ID_<JOBID>_<YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS> <SERVICETIMEZONE>.csv.