Deleting Transactions in Import Jobs Not Listed in the Jobs Page

Import jobs that are older than 60 days are not listed in the Jobs page. Therefore, transactions that were loaded as part of an import job that is older than 60 days cannot be deleted from the Jobs page. Instead, use the Transactions tab to delete such transactions.

To delete transactions in an import job that is older than 60 days:

  1. From Home, select Matching, and then Transactions.
  2. Select the required Match Type.
  3. Add a filter for Import Job Id. Also add Import Job Id to the list of displayed columns.

    You can also add filters for data source and Account ID.

  4. From the list of displayed transactions, select any row that corresponds to import job that you want to delete and click Delete By Job.
  5. In the Confirm dialog, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    Note that the transactions in the selected import job are also deleted from all data sources, its matches, adjustments, and supporting details.