Changing Defaults for Maximum Iterations for Auto Match Rules

When creating certain Auto Match rules in Transaction Matching, you may see an Iteration field shown with default values.

Setting Maximum Iterations During 1 to Many Subset, Many to 1 Subset, and Many to Many Subset Auto Match Rules

Transaction Matching allows you to adjust an iteration count on the Edit Rule dialog in order to balance performance versus match rate during 1 to Many Subset, Many to 1 Subset, and Many to Many Subset auto matching. When subset matching is being used, Transaction Matching tries to evaluate various combinations of the potentially matching transactions on the Many side. After the filtering and grouping conditions are applied, each transaction will be attempted to be matched with all potential combinations of the transactions on the Many side.

Performance can be tuned by adjusting the number of combinations Transaction Matching attempts while trying to find a match. In many cases, if the transaction cannot be matched and there is a large number of transactions on the Many side, then the system can attempt to find a match until combinations are exhausted. This process can potentially be time consuming.

The Iteration range is 10,000,000 to 100,000,000 for 1 to Many with Subset, Many to 1 with Subset, and Many to Many with Subset rules. The default value is 10,000,000.

In most cases, you will not need to change these default values. Contact Oracle Support by raising a service request, if you want to improve the performance of your subset rule.

To change the maximum iteration setting:

  1. From Home, select Application, then Match Types.
  2. On the Match Types tab, select the Match Type you are working with. The Edit Match Type tab displays.
  3. Select the Match Process tab, and the Properties tab displays.
  4. Select the Rules tab and select the rule you want to edit. The Edit Rule dialog displays.
  5. On the Edit Rule dialog, the default Iteration count is shown. You can adjust upward (up to 100 million) or downward (down to 10 million) for 1 to Many with Subset, Many to 1 with Subset, and Many to Many with Subset rules. The default value is 10 million).


    Change the default value only if recommended by Oracle Support.
  6. Click Save.