Using Multiple Data Sources and Multiple Match Processes

Transaction Matching allows for three-way (or more) matching scenarios so that the transactions will automatically match from a balancing source A to a balancing source B. Let's look at an example of using a multi-match process.

The three-way match is GL – POS and then POS – Bank. In addition to that three-way match, there are some transactions that hit the GL or Bank that are not reflected in the POS source, so you can set up another match process to match from GL directly to Bank. For example, a Bank Fee will be on the bank statement and posted to the GL, but is not typically included with POS source activity.

  • GL to POS (inverse)
  • POS (normal) to BANK
  • GL to BANK

The two Point of Sale (POS) files loaded (the POS inverse and the POS normal) are "net-zero" since they net themselves out to zero within the Source System. The only balancing sources are GL & Bank so the POS (inverse) is the same file as POS (normal) that matches to the Bank except that the "Amount" field is swapped to the opposite sign.

Example - Setting Up the Multiple Data Sources

This example assumes that you created a match type with three data sources: a data source called GL for a General Ledger (GL) and a data source called Point of Sale (POS). There is also a Bank data source representing the Bank statement.

Multiple data sources on edit match type dialog


The Balancing Attribute will be used by the system to create a default attribute mapping in a match process. You can change the Accounting Date or Balancing Attribute by using the check box as long as transactions are not already imported.

Example - Setting Up the Multi-Matching Process Scenario

Once you've defined the multiple data sources, you can set up the match processes. Let's look at this example that shows three match processes defined:

  • GL-IPOS is a single source match process between the General Ledger (GL) with negative (or inverse) amounts in the point of sale source.


    Transaction Matching allows you to automatically match a transaction to a voided (or negative transaction) from that same source so that you do not have to manually match these.

    screenshot of three match processes: GL-IPOS, POS-BANK, and GL-BANK

    You can see that the system created a default attribute mapping based on the selection of balancing attribute of "Amount" when you created the GL data source. You can select the plus sign (+) to create a new attribute mapping for a non-balancing attribute.

  • POS-BANK is a two source match process between the positive point of sale (POS) activity against the Bank source.
    Screenshot of POS-BANK match process dialog
  • GL-BANK is a two source match process between the General Ledger (GL) and the Bank source.

Auto Match Process Order of Execution

The auto match process will follow the order of the match processes on the Match Process dialog. You can change the order of these processes by using the Move Up and Move Down indicators. Auto Match will go through each match process in the order listed and it's rules.

Once an individual transaction is matched one time, it will not be considered in another match process.