About Group Attributes in Transaction Matching

A group attribute is a user-defined attribute that consists of one or more member attributes.

Group attributes can store multiple values for a set of member attributes. One member attribute in the group attribute must be assigned as the key member attribute.

An example of a group attribute is Store, with member attributes as Store ID, Store Name, Store Location, Phone Number, Store Manager, and Store Email. Details for multiple stores can be stored in this group attribute. Data for each member attribute is referred to as a value.

Data stored in the group attribute can be as follows:

Table 10-1 Example: Store Group Attribute

Store ID Store Name Store Location Phone Number Store Manager Store Email
100 Store 1 Store1_Location 123-7645 Jane D jane.d@company.com
200 Store 2 Store2_Location 765-3467 Amar K amar.k@company.com
300 Store 3 Store3_Location 980-4821 Anita T anita.t@company.com
400 Store 4 Store4_Location 564-3563 Jack S jack.s@company.com


Group attributes defined in Reconciliation Compliance are different from those defined in Transaction Matching. You cannot use Reconciliation Compliance group attributes in Transaction Matching and vice versa.


In Transaction Matching, users with the Match Types - View application role cannot view the Group Attributes tab that displays the list of group attributes.

Benefits of Using Group Attributes

  • Define once and use in multiple objects
  • Prevents discrepancies in the value of an attribute that is used in multiple objects
    • When there is a change in any member value, you need to only update the value in the group attribute. This change can then be seen across all objects within the application that reference the key value of the group attribute.
    • When you select a group attribute's key member in a reconciliation or transaction, you automatically get the values of all member attributes.
  • Reduces effort involved in setting multiple related attributes across your application

    Typically, a subset of group attribute members is included in a format, reconciliation, or transaction. So, a reconciliation may use Store ID, Store Manager, and Store Email, and a transaction may use Store ID, Store Location, and Phone Number. When group attributes are used, there is no need to set all these attributes individually. Instead, you select the Store ID (key attribute) and the values of the other attribute members are populated.

Where Can Transaction Matching Group Attributes Be Used?

A group attribute defined for Transaction Matching can be used in the following:

  • Match types
    • Data source attributes
    • Adjustment attributes
    • Support attributes
  • Dashboards - for the Matching object type