Importing Group Attributes

Importing a group attribute enables you to use the group attribute contained in the import .csv file in your environment.

If the import file contains an invalid value (that is, a value that is not present in the group attribute), that attribute is left blank and it can be updated subsequently.

To import a group attribute:

  1. Open the New Custom Attribute dialog, or Edit Custom Attribute dialog. Refer to the first step in Creating Group Attributes or Editing Group Attributes.
  2. Click the Values tab, and then click Import.

    The Import Member Values tab displays.

  3. Click Choose File to select the .csv file that contains the member values.
  4. In Import Type, select an option that indicates the action to be taken when there are existing values for one or more members.
    Select one of the following options:
    • Replace: All values from the import file will be added to or will replace the existing attribute values. Existing attribute values that are not in the import file will not be changed. However, all attribute data for a particular key value will be replaced with the contents from the file or they will be cleared.

      Use this import type when you are only moving the latest changes from a source system. For example, adding new store data from an acquisition.

    • Replace All: All values from the import file will completely replace the existing attribute values. Existing attribute values that are not in the import file will be deleted.

      Use this import type when you are mirroring values from a source system with a full update. For example, weekly updates to synchronize with store data from your ERP system.

    • Update: Compares using the key attribute and updates member attribute values with those in the file that you are importing. There is no effect on values for key attributes that are not specified in the import file.

      All values from the import file are added to or will replace the existing attribute values. Existing attribute values that are not in the import file will not be changed. Only attribute data for a particular key value will be replaced with the contents from the file. Attribute data for attributes that are not in the file are not changed. Any key values in the import file that are not in the attribute will cause an error.

      Use this import type when you want to update a few attributes across all attribute values. For example, updating the store managers after a reorganization, without affecting the rest of the store data.

  5. In Date Format, select the required date format.
  6. In File Delimiter, select the character that is used as a file delimiter in the import .csv file.
  7. Click Import.