Creating Custom Currencies

To create custom currencies:

  1. From Home, click Application, then click Configuration.
  2. Select the Currencies tab.
  3. Select the Currency tab.
  4. Select New (+).
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Enter the Currency Code

    • Enter the Currency Symbol

    • Select the number of Decimal Places you want to display

    • Enter a Description for the selected currency

    • Enabled

      If the currency is enabled, then it is displayed in the currency list.


Source and sub-system balances are automatically rounded to the applicable currency "Decimal Places" during the balance loading process. It is not recommended to change the "Decimal Places" and later reload balances for a period that has already had the balances loaded using a different "Decimal Places" setting. This may cause reconciliations that are already completed to re-open due to balance changes.