Specifying Format Instructions

Administrators provide instructions on how to use the format. These instructions can include text-based instructions, URLs, attached files, or links to files in document repositories. These instructions are merged with profile instructions and presented on the reconciliation.

To specify instructions:

  1. From Home, click Application, then Configuration, and then Formats.
  2. In New Format or Edit Format, select the Instructions tab.

  3. In Instructions, enter instruction text.

To add a reference:

  1. From Home, click Application, then Configuration, and then Formats.
  2. Select a format, and select the Instructions tab
  3. In the References section, click Add (+) .

  4. In Type list, select a type:

    • Local File

      Click Browse to select and attach the file, enter a Name, and then click OK. The file size is specified in System Attributes.

    • URL

      Name the URL, and then enter it, for example: Oracle, http://www.oracle.com, and then click OK.


To delete a reference, select it, and then click Delete.