About Profile Segments

Profile Segments are the components of the Account ID used to uniquely identify profiles and reconciliations.

For example, if you typically reconcile accounts at the Company-Account level, then you should define two segments: one for Company, and one for Account.

When defining profiles, the profile account ID is stored in segments to facilitate filtering and reporting on the values. The number of profile segments is configurable and unlimited. For example, the account ID 100-1200-ABC contains three profile segments. Profile Segment values are labels. They don’t control the mapping of balances to reconciliations that occur through mapping rules added in the data load definitions or by pre-mapping balances before import.

Profile segments are also displayed in the Attributes under Configuration. However, profile segments can only be edited from the Profile Segments tab. To access this tab, from the Home page, select Application, then Configuration, and then System Settings.

Types of Profile Segments

You can specify different profile segment types:


Values ranging from 0-9. Use number segments for segments that require only numeric values.


Values entered into the profile segment are predefined; restrict them to an authorized set of values.


Numbers, letters, and most special characters. Use hyphens (-) to delimit profile segments so they cannot be used as a segment value. Use Text segments when segment values are not restricted to a defined list and may contain a wide range of values.


Account Reconciliation treats NULL segment values in the middle of an ACCOUNT ID as three blank spaces and trims trailing NULL segments. The ACCOUNT ID in Data Management for a data load must map to the exact ACCOUNT ID in Account Reconciliation so you may see three blank spaces. For example, a profile with the following values for five profile segments: 001, NULL, NULL, NULL, and 1925 XXX (NULL is completely void of characters) will have ACCOUNT ID "001 - - - - 1925 XXX" in Account Reconciliation.

Guidelines for Designing Profile Segments

Carefully design your profile segments since once you create them, they can only be edited to adjust the sub-segment settings under the following conditions:

  • No balances have been loaded while one or more sub-segments have been enabled.


    If this has been done, the only way to remove all the balances is to delete the period OR load an empty file through each data management location for each Period & Category that previously loaded balances.
  • No formats have the Group Reconciliation check box enabled.

  • No reconciliations exist that had the Group Reconciliation option enabled when they were created.


Oracle recommends as a best practice to limit to 10 profile segments or less, however up to 20 profile segments are supported. The total of all the segment labels (and dividers) can be up to a maximum of 1000 characters, although this may be less for non-English characters.

Defining Sub-Segments for Group Reconciliations

For information about setting up profile sub-segments for group reconciliations, see Administrator Set Up Tasks for Group Reconciliations.