Examples: Date Tolerance in Match Rules

This topic describes examples that show the use of date tolerance and business calendar.

Example 1: Date Type Rule Condition with the Use Business Calendar Option

This rule specifies the Start is 3 days from the Source System transactions and has an End date for the range at four days out.

Example of date tolerance values and business calendar check box

Example 2: Date Tolerance Limits in Attribute Mapping and Use of Business Calendar Option

This rule specifies the Start is 0 days from the Source System transactions and has an End date for the range at two days out.

To enter date tolerance and choose to use the business calendar:

  1. From Edit Match Type, select the Properties tab.

  2. Click + (New) in Default Attribute Mapping and the New Attribute Map dialog displays.

    1. In Default Tolerance Limit, enter the date tolerance limits in Start and End.

    2. Optionally, choose the Use Business Calendar check box to use a business calendar instead of a regular calendar.

Default Attribute Mapping example showing enable business calendar check box

Example 3: Business Calendar Matching Dates over Thanksgiving and Holiday Weekend

This example is for a rule that specified a Start of three days and End of four days but is over a Thanksgiving holiday and the following weekend. Using the business calendar for that organization, the system automatically does not match on dates over Thanksgiving holiday and the weekend following. While the match spans an eight day period from November 25th to December 3rd, the system has properly eliminated the non-work days of November 26 through 29th.
Example of business calendar applied at thanksgiving holiday weekend