
A group attribute is a user-defined attribute that consists of one or more member attributes. Group attributes can store multiple values for a set of member attributes. One member attribute in the group attribute must be assigned as the key member attribute. Group attributes for Reconciliation Compliance can be configured within the Attributes tab under Application -> Configuration. Group attributes for Transaction Matching can be configured within the Group Attributes tab under Application -> Match Types.


In this tutorial, you perform the following tasks in Transaction Matching:

  1. Create a group attribute.
  2. Assign a group attribute to a data source.
  3. Import transactions to a data source with group attributes.


Before starting this tutorial, you should have:

  • A working knowledge about Account Reconciliation.
  • Access to Account Reconciliation, and a source data load file.
  • Save this Application snapshot locally and import it into your application.
  • Ensure that you have the following files:
    1. StoreTableMembers.csv
    2. BankTxns.csv
    3. POSTxns.csv

Creating a group attribute

In Account Reconciliation, you can create a group attribute by performing the following steps:

  1. From the Account Reconciliation home page, click the Application card and then select Match Types.
  2. Launch Match Types
  3. Click the Group Attributes tab.
  4. Click Group Attributes
  5. From the Group Attributes page, click the New icon.
  6. Click New
  7. In the Properties tab, provide a name for the group attribute in the Name field.
  8. Enter a Name
  9. In the Members tab, click the Add icon to add member details.
  10. Add member details
  11. In the Values tab, use the Import button to import values from the StoreTableMembers.csv file.
  12. Add import values
  13. Once the values have been added, click OK.
  14. Click OK

Assigning a group attribute to a data source

To assign a group attribute to a data source, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Account Reconciliation home page, click the Application and then select Match Types.
  2. Launch Match Types
  3. The Match Types page is displayed. Select the POS to Bank match type.
  4. Select the required match type
  5. From the status drop-down, select Pending and then click Save.
  6. Change status to Pending
  7. In the Data Sources tab, select POS, and then click the New Attribute icon.
  8. Click New Attribute
  9. In the Attribute Details window, select Group from the Type field, and then select the Store Table group attribute. The ID and Name of the attribute defaults to the name of the selected group attribute. Click Save.
  10. Select the required attribute
  11. In the Properties tab, change the status from Pending to Approved and click Save.
  12. Change status to Approved

Importing transactions to a data source with group attributes

You can import transactions to a data source with group attributes by using the following steps:

  1. From the Account Reconciliation home page, click the Application card and then select Jobs.
  2. Click New
  3. At the bottom of the page, select the Transaction Matching tab.
  4. General tab
  5. Click the Actions button and then select Import Transactions.
  6. Map Dimensions tab
  7. In the Choose Files section, upload the required files for Bank and Point of Sale. Click Submit to proceed.
  8. Map Members tab
  9. After the import job is successful, click the Navigator icon (top-left corner) and choose Matching.
  10. Click Save and Close
  11. Open the 203-11103 POS to Bank reconciliation.
  12. Click Save and Close
  13. Select the Unmatched Transactions tab on the Point of Sale data source to review the loaded transactions.
  14. Click Save and Close