Privacy Regulations and Data Protection

Only information necessary to make recommendations is stored from the info provided by your recruitment application. Personal identifiable information is not stored.

Data Deletion

Candidates you delete from your recruitment application are assigned the status DELETED and removed from the records after 30 days. These candidates won't show in recommendations.

If you stop your subscription, all data is deleted after 60 days. See the Oracle Cloud Suspension and Termination Policy in the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies document available on the Oracle Cloud Services page for more information.

Data Modification

Oracle AI Apps doesn’t hold data that can be edited, corrected, or directly accessed. You can access and update candidate data in your recruitment application only.

Data Security

Oracle Identity Cloud Service uses multifactor authentication, encryption, and custom allowlists. For more information, refer to the following topics in Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
  • Understand Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Understand Network Perimeters

  • Understand Administrator Roles

Consent Notice

Oracle AI Apps doesn’t provide any consent notice. Your recruitment application manages consent forms and opt-out options.

Privacy and Cookies

All consumer data is anonymized and secured in Oracle Cloud. Your system logs are stored in your regulatory region. They are accessible for service optimization only.

Oracle AI Apps doesn’t use any tracking technologies, such as cookies and device fingerprinting.