Quick Start

Set up your environment and use Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification Cloud using the REST API by performing the following tasks.


Obtain a subscription to Address, Email, and Phone Verification Cloud. For more information, see Manage Subscriptions.

Step 1: Obtain Account Information

From your account administrator, obtain the appropriate account credentials to access Address, Email, and Phone Verification.

Step 2: Install cURL

The examples within this document use the cURL command-line tool to demonstrate how to access the Address, Email, and Phone Verification REST API.

For information about downloading and installing cURL, see http://curl.haxx.se/download.html. You must install a version of cURL that supports SSL.

Once installed, set the cURL environment variable, CURL_CA_BUNDLE, to the location of an SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate file or bundle to authenticate against the Verisign CA certificate. Alternatively, you can specify the location of your local CA certificate bundle on the command line, using the cacert command line option.

C:\curl> set CURL_CA_BUNDLE=ca-bundle.crt

You can download an SSL CA certificate bundle from http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html or provide your own. For information about CA certificate verification using cURL, see: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html.

Specify one or more of the following command-line options, as required, to direct the execution of cURL:

The following table summarizes the cURL options used in the command examples.

cURL Option


-d, --data @file.json

Identifies the request document, in JSON format, on the local machine.

-F, --form @file.json

Identifies form data, in JSON format, on the local machine.


Defines one or both of the following:

  • Content type of the request document

  • Custom header, X-ID-TENANT-NAME, to identify the identity domain

-u, --user username:password

Specifies the user name and password for the account.


Indicates the type of request (for example, GET, POST, and so on).

See Authentication

For example:

curl -i -X GET -u joe@example.com:Welcome1! -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:ExampleIdentityDomain" https://daas.oraclecloud.com/avservice/api

You are now ready to send requests to Address, Email, and Phone Verification REST APIs using cURL.

Step 3: Create Your First REST API Client

Using cURL, invoke various REST endpoints using standard HTTP requests. See Send Requests.

Step 4: Review the Details of Your First REST API Client

If you've triggered a search request and received a successful response, log in to Address, Email, and Phone Verification and compare the results.