Batch Email Verify



Batch Email Verify: This endpoint provides a way to verify a batch of email addresses. That is, it confirms whether or not the provided email addresses are valid. Once verified, the service returns details about the email addresses.
Input and Output: A JSON object containing a list of items, which is in turn a JSON map of fields. All field values are represented as strings.
Cost: The user is charged for each email record (unless the API is not accessible).
Functionality: Each input is a JSON packet with a list of email IDs. Output is a JSON list of items with verification details of all input email addresses. The fields are described in the following table.

Request Payload Attribute NameExampleDescription
emailAddressa@b.comEmail address to be verified.
id5Identifier for an email address in the input payload that is mapped to the response payload. This value should be unique in each call.

Response Payload Attribute NameExampleDescription
ResponseCodeValidValid - The email address (domain and account) is fully verified.
AcceptAll - The domain is verified, but the account could not be verified.
Invalid - The email address should not be accepted.
Unknown - Unable to complete the verification process.
id5Identifier for an email address in the input payload that is mapped to the response payload. This value should be unique in each call.
EmailAddrestesting@test123.comThe email address that was verified.
UserAccountTestingThe account portion of the provided email address.
Domaintest123.comThe domain portion of the provided email address.
IsDisposableOrTemporaryFalseIndicates if the provided email address is a disposable mailbox. (Some companies create temporary mailboxes that shouldn't be used for marketing communication.)
IsSystemMailboxTrueIndicates if the provided email address is a system mailbox (for example, sales@ or support@).

Example Request [{"id": "1","emailAddress": ""},{"id": "2","emailAddress": ""},{"id": "3","emailAddress": ""}]

Example Response [{"EmailAddress": "","Domain": "","IsSystemMailbox": "false","Id": "1","ResponseCode": "Valid","UserAccount": "abc.def","IsDisposableOrTemporary": "false"},{"EmailAddress": "","Domain": "","IsSystemMailbox": "false","Id": "2","ResponseCode": "Invalid","UserAccount": "xyz","IsDisposableOrTemporary": "false"}{"EmailAddress": "","Domain": "","IsSystemMailbox": "false","Id": "3","ResponseCode": "Valid","UserAccount": "user1234","IsDisposableOrTemporary": "false"}]


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json; charset=UTF-8 ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : EmailVerifyInputRecord
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object

401 Response


403 Response


500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
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