Oracle® Cloud

What's New for Oracle Address Verification

Release 20.1.3


March 2020

What’s New for Oracle Address Verification

As soon as new and changed features become available, Address Verification instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Address Verification experience.

Release #20.1.3 — March 2020

Feature Description
Ability to integrate Address Verification with DataFox in CX Sales / CDM Previously, Address Verification integrated with CX Sales / CDM along with Data as a Service (DaaS); that is, both Address Verification and DaaS used the same Functional Setup Manager task to integrate with CX Sales: Manage Oracle Engagement Cloud to Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service Integration.

Now, to allow Address Verification to integrate with CX Sales along with DataFox, Address Verification has its own integration task: Manage Integration with Oracle Address Verification.

This has no impact on existing customers. However, Address Verification customers who want to integrate with DataFox should reconfigure their Address Verification service using this new task.

See How to Begin with Address Verification.

Notice of upcoming migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Your Address Verification environment will migrate to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) later this spring as part of your regularly scheduled quarterly update. Oracle's data centers around the globe are standardizing on the new OCI architecture, which will deliver greater performance and reliability.

Once the migration process is complete, you'll receive a new URL and access credentials, and you must reset your user password. There's no action at this time – you'll receive an email notification with more information.

Release #18.3.1 — July 2018

Feature Description
Support for Capture+ for searching mailing addresses
The service now supports Capture+ (by GBG/Loqate) for searching valid mailing addresses worldwide.


The previous search mode (available in v2, based on Oracle EDQ) and the auto complete method (available in v3, based on Loqate) now are in maintenance mode only.

Capture+ is available through the following RESTful endpoints:


Capture+ functions the same in v2 and in v3. The only difference is that /address/retrieveshows EDQ-style fields in v2, and it shows Loqate-style fields in v3.

See Using Oracle Address Verification and REST API for Oracle Address Verification Cloud Service.

Release #17.2.3 — May 2017

Feature Description
New version of the Address Verification API: version 3
  • Verifying addresses has a new REST endpoint and a new interface. This interface returns more fields, such as ISO-based country fields and an Address Quality Indicator (AQI) for each verified address.

  • Searching for addresses (with Search mode) has been removed in favor of the developing auto-complete feature. Address auto-complete enables UI developers to support a wide variety of search use cases. End users can type an address into a text box, do a fully structured search where known components (city, street, and so on) are provided, or do a combination of both: a type-click drill down.


The auto-complete feature is expected evolve in the next release.

See REST API for Oracle Address Verification Cloud Service.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Cloud What's New for Oracle Address Verification, Release 20.1.3


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